Welcome To TheCaveminer Mining Pool!
Hi There Miners, Let me give you a quick introduction to the Caveminer Mining Pool!We are a small team that runs this pool on a private high performance linux server in amsterdam (NL). We provide multiple coins and algorithms with the payout options of PPLNS and SOLO.With that said you may now choose one of our pools from below. By clicking on the PPLNS/SOLO buttons you can switch between the PPLNS and SOLO pool.If you have any suggestions for us, please feel free to send us a e-mail to caveminer36@gmail.com.

Welcome To TheCaveminer Mining Pool!
Hi There Miners, Let me give you a quick introduction to the Caveminer Mining Pool!We are a small team that runs this pool on a private high performance linux server in amsterdam (NL). We provide multiple coins and algorithms with the payout options of PPLNS and SOLO.With that said you may now choose one of our pools from below. By clicking on the PPLNS/SOLO buttons you can switch between the PPLNS and SOLO pool.If you have any suggestions for us, please feel free to send us a e-mail to caveminer36@gmail.com.
Choose your mining mode